Grandes Magos se reunen en este Dvd para mostrarnos los secretos mejores guardados de las pelotas de esponja. Rutinas de grandes Magos explicados a detalle
Dvd de 2 horas 55 minutos incluye:
Sponge Ball Routine
New Sponge Sleeve
Roger Klause
(courtesy of Meir Yedid Magic)
Sponge Ball Climax
Sponge Ball Routine
Frank Garcia
(courtesy of Murphy’s Magic Inc.)
Frank Balzerak
(courtesy of Murphy’s Magic Inc)
JT Sponge Ball Routine
Jon Tremaine
Throw in the Sponge
Aldo Colombini
Sponge Balls
Eugene Burger
Commercial Sponge Ball Routine
Mark Leverdige
Benson’s Bowl Routine
Johnny Thompson
Martian Sponge Ball Routine
Steve Dacri
Sponge Balls
Albert Goshman
(Courtesy of Magic by Gosh)
Sponge Ball Routine with Watch Steal
Michael Finney