Who we are
The Magic Store was founded King of Swords to be able to give the Magi from all parts of the world, the right products at the best price and with the added convenience of domestic and international shipping, also thinking in our Dealers.
We specialize in international shipping, so that she be given all the advice necessary for your order arrives in the most convenient to the door of his home.
We also have a customer service team that will be glad to help you in your orders or in your application to Dealer. You can call to the phone (511) 723-4331 or email to info@reydeespadas.com
We greatly appreciate your business and please send your concerns, complaints and suggestions to mail.
Jorge Begazo
Magic Shop King of Spades

Jorge Begazo
Team members

Mago Enyel
Artista representante
Campeón de magia infantil.Egresado de la escuela de circo de la tarumba.

Artista representante
Creador de efectos y rutinas de Magia con una marca propia distribuidas en 4 continentes.

Artista representante
Director y productor de espectáculos. Artista multidisciplinario y experto en asombro con más de 10 años de experiencia